
Sunday, July 27, 2008

69 Type of Kisses - Part 3 | How to Kiss - Ways of kissing

69 Type of Kisses - Part 3

51. Flinstone Kiss

Just play a game like kids at home and decide to call each other Wilma and Fred at home alone. After you kiss your love holler, "Yaba dada do!"

52. Instant Reply Kiss

Just take a great long kiss, and tell your partner you want an instant reply.

53. The Three N's Kiss

Kiss your love on nose, then the neck, and conclude with a cute the naval.

14. Earlobe Kiss

Sneak up on your sweet heart from behind, just put your arms around his or her breasts. Nibble on his or her earlobe.

55. Flower Kiss

Have a single red rose for your love when he or she gets home from somewhere. Present it while express your love how very special she is. Finish with a loving kiss.

56. Scarf Kiss

Lasso your partner with your scarf and round him or her up for a kiss.

57. Card Kiss

Just Mail a romantic love card to your love and seal it with a kiss.

58. Hair Combing Kiss

Just Run your light fingers through any and all hair on sweety head during a kiss.

59. The Three E's Kiss

Do in any order, but kiss each of your on eyes love's, ears, and elbows.

60. Full Moon Kiss

The view of full moon is very calm and romantic. make your love someplace where both of you can smooch by moonlight.

61. Ice Cream Kiss

Just get and softy and Share one softy cone with simultaneous licking. If tongue closeness and movements don't get the two of you kissing, just think of how cold your love's mouth tastes and go in for a smooch.

62. Coffee Kiss

Serve coffer to your partner, then ask, "Will that be one kiss or two?"

63. Grape Kiss

Feed your lover with your hands by juicy grapes. Put one between your lips and signal your lover to come and get it.

64. Kiss A L'Orange

Take a fresh-squeezed morning orange juice, just have 2 orange quarters cut. And Each of you place an orange quarter in you mouth, peel side showing, and experience the kiss.

65. The Parking Kiss

Whenever you your are with your love in your car, Get a romantic place to park and charged your partner with a long kiss.

66. Nail Kisses

The hold the hand of you lover, Softly kiss each fingernail and If your love enjoyed it, continue down to the toenails.

67. Cookie Kiss

After your love has just each a fresh baked cookie, sweet kiss him or her softly.

68. Tackle Kiss

Wrestle and Tackle your partner onto the bed or couch. When your love is pinned down on bed, plant her a big ol' kiss.

69. Dessert Kiss

Reach a place where you can find your love's favorite dessert. At time of tasting dessert, feed each other and agree to kiss between bites.

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